Star Child

Star Child

$50.00 — Sold out

Hey there Space Cadet! Let's reclaim this title and give it new life! Instead, a Space Cadet could mean a human with a head full of endless possibilities. An unearthly being with a desire to explore beyond the world around them and create new solutions. There is so much we don't understand about the universe. Expand your vision to the things that may seem unimaginable and see what you can find! I salute you!

*This flash is intended for Black folks. If you'd like something similar please don't hesitate to reach out for a custom tattoo!

Upon purchasing this flash:
I'll email you within a few weeks to get you on the Summer schedule. The deposit will come off the total price of the tattoo. Pricing will vary based on the final size at $100 per hour. Please, no changes to these tattoos. I would like to tattoo these in fully realized black and grey or color but no line-work only. Multiple sessions are encouraged if that is your preference.
Let's make some magic!


Joy ✨ Pain

Bat Days Happen
Pocket Full of Shells
Folk Flower
Broken Crayons Still Color
Fun Fungus
Good Bunny
Heart Shaped Opuntia
Offering Oranges
Hello Dolly
A Bone to Pick
Rainy Days
Wise Wonder
Alone Time
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