Joy Pain
Adinkra symbol

Adinkra symbol

$20.00 — Sold out

Any small size (max 4x4 inches or so, small palm-size) line work, solid fill or one-color Adinkra symbol for black folks only for $60. This $20.00 deposit goes to the total price of your tattoo. If you would like something larger please put in a deposit for a custom tattoo. Thank you so much. Please feel free to email [email protected] with any questions before you put your deposit down. Thank you!
Upon purchasing this flash I'll email you within a week to get you on the Summer schedule.

Joy ✨ Pain

After The Rainbow
Very A-Peeling
Elegant Alchemist
Sweet & Sour Seraphim
Lemon Lover
Tasty Tart
Bat Days Happen
Pocket Full of Shells
Folk Flower
Broken Crayons Still Color
Fun Fungus
Good Bunny
Heart Shaped Opuntia
Offering Oranges
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